Browse Items (353 total)

Lois Zimmer Craig Post Boy.pdf
An essay that describes the Post Boy murder and trial.

Port Washington Echo 1913.pdf
The yearbook of Port Washington High School.

Poetry and letters - Genevieve Crater Denning.pdf
A album of letters, poems, sketches, and other vignettes from friends and family of Genevieve Crater Denning

"A History of the Platter Family" by David Edwin Platter

Pilling Street.pdf
Businesses, people, events, and other information concerning Newcomerstown's Pilling Street.

Pilling Memo Book.pdf
The Pilling business ledger from between 1850-1880. Includes customer names and other snippets of information.

Includes writings from Lois Zimmer Craig, deeds, and other information.

A digitized photo created from a negative labeled C-Walker from an unknown date.

A detailed, multi-part family history with photographs, newspaper clippings, and more.

Park tennis court 7-18-51.jpeg
This poor-condition negative was labeled as "Park tennis court" and dated 7-18-1951. It seems to show the construction of the Cy Young Park tennis courts.
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